There was snow again this morning. And that ain't no April Fools. I don't think Seattle is really Seattle any more. Since when do we have snow like this? And since when do we have snow in April? Crikey.
I got up super early this morning to see Nordic Boy off on another business trip. But then I just stayed in my house all morning, with the shades drawn, eating my oatmeal and watching my tivo'd episode of Ellen in peace, not knowing what kind of crap was going on outside. So when I got myself ready for work and I stepped out my front door, I was so stupified and disappointed to see snow falling that I said, loudly, "AWWW MAAAAN!" and scared my elderly neighbor lady next door, Maggie, as she was sweeping her stoop.
Winter. Making me scare the elderly with my outbursts.
To spare you more whining about snow, let's just load up some photos of my lovely weekend. I got to thinking last week that I never really write anything on my blog that could be said to chronicle my daily life very well. Like, I tell you about when I say stupid things in meetings or I hearken back to the days when I was in a menage-a-hand-holding relationship, but I don't do the whole "this weekend I went to dinner and had a lovely kale pesto pasta dish, and then we went to the theater where we saw a revival of Cats." Maybe that's because I would probably not go see a revival of Cats, but a lot of you list off events in your lives like this on your blogs and I find it really interesting. Isn't that what is so compelling about blogs- to see a glimpse into someone else's life? And believe you me, I am more than just the girl who leaves inappropriate notes accidentally under people's doors. So much more.
On Friday afternoon, I went for a walk after work. The sky was a particularly striking color of dark gray. We get a lot of gray skies in Seattle this time of year. Ok, lots of times a year. Oh ALRIGHT, every time of year. And when you get this many gray skies, you start to see the nuances in each. It's like that thing that people say about Eskimos having nine grillion words for "snow." We have a million shades of gray skies.
Sounds depressing right? But it ain't. Because we also have pretty, pretty plantings and things, which break up the gray with lots of green and also flowery type colors. One thing about Seattle is that, even in the city, there are trees. Planted right into the sidewalk a lot of times.
Pink against gray. It's so 1988.
After that, I went out to eat dinner with Hopscotch and K8 at a nice little pub. I totally forgot to take photos while there, but at the last second I remembered to take a photo as we were leaving. This was taken right before BioGirl texted me to tell me that she had sighted a dude with a large handlebar mustache at Whole Foods. Yes, we really communicate about such things. In fact, you don't even know the half of it.
Minutes after the Great Mustache Alert of '09
Saturday, Nordic Boy went to the Green Festival for most of the day, and saw things about how there is a fungus among us, and how to build solar panels out of toenail clippings or some such thing like that. You know, bettering the world for our children, who are our future. Me? I went out with BioGirl and had brunch (including a GIANT BISCUIT OF DOOM). Which I am sure helps children in some way too.
Then, I put on my galoshes (not really) and my slicker (not really) and braved the rain to go see an exhibit of paintings on loan from Jodhpur that was showing at the Seattle Asian Art Museum. Rather than rent the headphones that tell you the art history about the paintings (I is a cheap bastard), I wore my iPod and listened to Ira Glass. Which was kind of a weird juxtaposition of media intake, really. It did help me to not be irritated with the room that the museum had set up for Interactive Cultural Appropriation Purposes where white people got to find their Indianness by donning saris as if it is Halloween. So that was nice. Also, the paintings were all kinds of awesome.
After that, I just sort of sloshed around the park outside the museum, getting rained on and kind of not caring how bad this was making my hair look. Kind of.
Behold the park's sculptural donut with the Space Needle in the background.
Later, I met up with Nordic Boy for a delicious dinner and then we went home with some rented movies and sat on our couch under a blanket, which is on my top five list of most favorite things in the universe.
Sunday, we walked to the grocery store and did some shopping, which is a really dumbass thing to do on a Sunday, since the whole world is also doing the exact same thing and so you are almost sure to get accidentally groped in the cereal aisle. At least I hope it was accidentally.
That night, we had friends over for dinner and stayed up talking with them into the wee hours. Which meant that we woke up on Monday morning to this.
The measure of a good weekend is how much clean up you have to do afterwards. Or something.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Cherry Blossoms, Art and Mustaches
Biology Girl,
Nordic Boy,
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librarian.wonder at gmail dot com
Apr 2009
- In Which I Criticize Soda Ads
- What about Crankybritches Disease?
- Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers
- Pink and Blue Track Suits, Of Course
- Happy National Librarian Day!
- A new Dick Tracy character?
- So good, so good
- Horrible Photography Photo Essay
- Dreams, Marcia, Grease and Lapidus
- Walking On Sunshine
- Pretend Like You Care
- Cherry Blossoms, Art and Mustaches
Apr 2009
(12) by Pop Culture Librarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
A sculptural doughnut? Now that's a city I could visit.
That's some very tidy dishes there. I'm impressed. Whenever I leave mine they generally stretch out over the whole kitchen and are even more overwhelming. Ho-hum.
That sounds like a lovely weekend! Sadly, I left my kitchen looking like that last week on a regular basis because I was working almost 70 hours and not because I had friends over to my house.
I had to find the littlest detail that had as little to do with your chronicled weekend just to comment... can I tell everyone how much I love Ellen! I DVR her show every day, even the reruns. It became too sad when I would pull up my recorded shows only to find that Ellen was a rerun and did not record.
anything that results in having to do dishes really ought to be worth it.
the great thing about gray skies is that they make all the colors pop, non? i woke up to snow too this morning, but WTF was what i said aloud. no neighbors to hear me. loved reading about your weekend.
That fourth paragraph, with all the links, reads like a Mad-Libs:
Like, I tell you about when I (verb) in (plural noun) or I hearken back to the days when I was in a/n (adjective) (adjective) (noun).
Sounds like a lovely weekend.
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