Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Blogsitter's Club

I'm going on a little trip this week, back to the land where I was done borned. My dad's been under the weather lately, and so I'm making the trek back to the midwest to be there with moms and pops. Dad is finally out of the hospital, but not out of the woods, so Nordic Boy and I are going to lend a hand with whatever is needed. Despite the sucky circumstances, it's always good to be back there, and great to see my folks.

My parents are very cool old people. They are so cool, in fact, that the longer you hang out with them, the more you forget that they are old. They are the opposite of every stereotype you can think of when you think of old. They are active, and open-minded, and not grumpy in the slightest. And, when it comes to most things, they put my knowledge of certain kinds of technology to shame. When it comes to the latest in camcorders and ipods and such, my parents can talk the talk. One of my favorite things to do is to take them to Best Buy or Circuit City (or "Circus City" as my mom calls it), and watch the beefy salesmen try to put one over on them. Watching my sweet parents correcting them on how many megapixels something should have is like New Year's Rockin' Eve, as far as I'm concerned.

One thing that my parents do not have, however, is an internet connection in their house. They had it for a while, and used it, but not enough for them to really get into it. So, while I am visiting them, I will be traipsing over to the local library for my innernet fix like Tyrone Biggums runs to the crackhouse. And, while I'm gone, I have asked two of my closest homies to blogsit for me. So people, get ready, because if you ever wanted to know the juiciest, most gossippy tidbits about me, these two are the ones that could dish. I gave them instructions that went something like this: "write about anything you want," and now I am thinking about every silly thing that I've ever told them, every stupid boy-story that they have in their vaults, every mortifying morsel of crazy shit I have done in my life, and it's all flashing before me like one long blooper reel, which is basically what my life is in many ways.

First up will be Biology Girl, from sunny/foggy California who I talk to just about every day and knows everything about my daily happenings from what kind of skivvies I prefer to wear to which ex-boyfriend has resurfaced lately, and then up after that will be Alli from Chicago, who I have known since I was, um, born, and knows all the shit about things such as My First Time. Oh, shiver me timbers. What have I done?

Whatevers, though! I am an open book! Have at it, girls! I'm not scared-a-you! BRRRING IT!

Kiss the rings, I'm out.
Librarian Girl


WDL said...

I hope all goes well, and that you survive the midwest.

It can be a challenge! And look at you getting a guest pass at the local back home library...awww. I hope you get to sit next to a really normal person. honest I do. I'd hate it someone random sat next to you, and um, inspired a really hilarious tell all, pop culture laced post.


Lisa said...

I hope that when you go to the lib. to get a visitor's pass you have an ID on you, just in case there's a tricky rule like that. That way you won't have to slouch about with a grumpy frown because the mean librarian let your ID-toting friend use a PC, but not you.

Librarian Girl said...

I plan on being the picture of perfect patronship. Unless, of course, something that is completely out of the librarians' control goes wrong (computers down, power failure, etc.) Then, I will devolve into Crazy Screaming Patron, for sure. I'll go for tears, I assure you. :)

Bobbi Newman said...

ooooh I can't wait! have good trip and I hope your pops feels better soon. Oh and I'm in the midwest and it is already HUMID plan for frizzy hair!

cadiz12 said...

it's been great out here in the midwest, especially nice in Chicago, lately. hope your dad feels better.

Anonymous said...

Hope everything is going okay with your dad. Hope he feels better soon.