Monday, July 01, 2013


I've been pretty much curled up in a ball (only figuratively, although it has teetered on the edge of the literal at times) for the past 7 weeks, and so facing a work-related trip to Chicago this past weekend seemed like this yooge ordeal. Luckily, I have family in Chicago. Two big parts of my chosen family: Alli, her husband Chris, and my pal Palindrome.

So, in the span of 72 hours, in addition to librarian-conferencing, Alli made me delicious food that brought back my appetite a little bit, we traipsed in the sun in Old Town and Wicker Park and the Garfield Observatory, and we met up with Palindrome where I laughed big belly laughs that felt really good because I hadn't had one in so long.

Calling these people my "friends" doesn't seem like a big enough word.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I adore when simple things around us belong to the category of cultural masterpieces. To the same category, it seems to me, belong university libraries.
They are gorgeous.