Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tile Lovett and Joe Caulker

Here's what's happening this week. We are in the middle of a string of gorgeous summer days, which causes me to have a sort of weather amnesia about my city. This happens every year- where I am like "rain? what rain? Seattle is gorgeous and has always been so. Look! There are mountains everywhere! And so much sparkly blue water! All prettiness! Rain has never happened a day in my life!" Summers here are what really lock you in. Ask me about this in February and I will pretend I never said this.

I have been immersed in trying to pick out tile for the back splash in my bathroom, and boy, do I have a lot of opinions about tile. I am a person who finds it hard to choose what to eat for dinner every night because of food ennui but design choices? I am so completely adamant about those. The world of tile is a gigantic cesspool of never ending options, so I have been happily poring over catalogs and frequenting tile stores around the city on the weekends. I finally picked out the tile o' my caulk dreams (listen, I will never not use the word "caulk" when given the option so you better get used to that around here) and went in to order those puppies and you know what? They cost seventy five dollars a  square foot. Ex-squeeze me? I didn't realize these tiles had ground up unicorn horn in them. The thing that gets me the most about this is that many tile stores do not label their tiles with prices in their showrooms. Also, many tile catalogs and websites also do not get specific about pricing. So you are choosing based pretty much solely on what you like, only to show up at the tile store for pricing and then giving them this face.

The area I am looking to tile up is about 20 square feet. Tell me why I need over a thousand dollars worth of tile looking at me while I brush my teeth. I don't, is the only correct answer there. Back to the drawing board I go.

In other news, I am trying to get back to doing some of the things that have completely fallen off of my radar for the past couple of months. One of them is reading. I haven't read nary a page of a book for so long- it's like my brain just wasn't processing words for a while there. Also, moving in general. There has been a lot of couch time in my world lately. I've been in a total zone out. Time to wake up! I think moving will help me feel better. My sleeping has all been for shit and I think it will help with that too. Lastly, getting back on the postal bandwagon. I love mailing my friends and family letters and things and I haven't been doing that either. I finally got back to that this past week. Why am I telling you all of this? What is my point? I don't know. Since when do I have to have a point?

That's what is happening around here. Have a lovely day, my pretties.

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