It is Monday! I must list!
1. There is no correlation between it being Monday and me having to make a list. I don't know why I started this out with the implication that those two statements are related.
2. I forgot to tell you that when Biogirl and I went to see the tulips last week, we passed by a road sign that said "Next Exit For Visitor InFARMation." Which, let's face it, is awesome.
3. This sign made me think of a story about high school. When we were in 11th grade (or maybe it was even 12th grade), we read aloud from the text book in history class. Yes, I went to a public school in a depressed town, and this is the type of crap we did in school a lot of the time. College prep, not so much. ANYHOO. Alli was reading aloud that day, and as usual, no one was listening. Not the other students, not the teacher, no one. Well, maybe God was, but even that is questionable. Even Alli wasn't really listening to herself. And she was reading a section of the textbook on the framers of the Constitution. Only, she was so disengaged from what she was reading that she droned on and on saying it wrong. She kept saying "the FARMERS of the Constitution." Repeatedly. Finally, she caught it her own self and corrected herself. Because, you know, the teacher was probably really busy combing his mustache hairs or something. I realize that this story is really funny but also really sad in a way because we were kind of neglected youths ("what's a yoot?") in so many ways that it's kind of a bummer. So there you go. Comedy and tragedy, all in one story. Tears of a clown, people.
4. The weekend was super delicious. The weather was great (whenever I don't have to wear a coat I become a much nicer person) and I got lots done. I saw this movie, which made my brain grow a little. And then I followed it with this movie, which shrunk it right back down again.
5. I weeded in my yard yesterday, and dudes, I am SORE TODAY. That makes me feel so freaking decrepit.
6. I went out for coffee with my friend Sarah yesterday morning. We walked to a cafe about 15 minutes away from my house. We had something to drink and two scones, chatted, and then walked back to my house. In that time span? About two hours? Nordic Boy had bought and installed a new toilet in our bathroom. It is amazing that I don't have a complex about being a lazy slow ass, living with a dude like that.
7. We now have a shiny new dual flush toilet. Our water bill and the planet will be very happy with us. I do have some trepidation that when guests come over they will not know how to flush their unmentionables down the crapper, but other than that, I'm happy with it.
8. I think unmentionables are underwear, right? Not number ones and twos. I misnomered that I do believe.
9. Early this morning I have to go teach a class on Intellectual Freedom philosophy and library policy. Which is something I love to do. Which is a nice way to start off a week.
10. I'd like to think that my teaching that class would make farmers of the Constitution proud of me.
I'm out,
Librarian Girl
Monday, May 04, 2009
Well they did sow our freedoms, you know.
Biology Girl,
Nordic Boy,
youngster years
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I don't know about the farmers of the Constitution, but I am proud of you for including a "My Cousin Vinny" reference. Well done, LG!
I'd be happy to come over and flush my underwear down your toilet if that would make you feel better.
I know It'd make me feel better.
I must have more details on this dual-flush toilet business. So - you push one button for number 1 and another for number 2? That is so cool!
What do you push if you, like, puke or something? Or - nevermind. I'll just leave it there.
Your class sounds cool! I wish I could take it! :)
I've never heard of a dual-flush toilet. Please explain!
Dual flush toilets are fitted as standard in all new bathrooms in the UK now. I'm proud that I've had mine for a couple of years now. So there you go...
Congrats on the Dual Flush toilet!
Toilets account for approx. 30% of water used indoors. By installing a Dual Flush toilet you can save between 40% and 70% of drinking water being flushed down the toilet, depending how old the toilet is you are going to replace.
If you are serious about saving water, want a toilet that really works and is affordable, I would highly recommend a Caroma Dual Flush toilet. Caroma toilets offer a patented dual flush technology consisting of a 0.8 Gal flush for liquid waste and a 1.6 Gal flush for solids. On an average of 5 uses a day (4 liquid/ 1 solid) a Caroma Dual Flush toilet uses an average of 0.96 gallons per flush. The new Sydney Smart uses only 1.28 and 0.8 gpf, that is an average of 0.89 gallons per flush. This is the lowest water consumption of any toilet available in the US. Caroma, an Australian company set the standard by giving the world its first successful two button dual flush system in the nineteen eighties and has since perfected the technology. Also, with a full 3.5″ trapway, these toilets virtually never clog. All of Caroma’s toilets are on the list of WaterSense labeled HET’s and also qualify for several toilet rebate programs available in the US. Please visit my blog to learn more or go to to learn where you can find Caroma toilets locally. Visit to see how we flush potatoes with 0.8 gallons of water, meant for liquids only. Best regards, Andrea Paulinelli
I'm so proud of my reading prowess. I remember that like it happened yesterday. And yes, I agree with Biogirl... nice Vinny reference.
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