Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Winterize, Flinterize

We're in Michigan for the week to visit with my mom (how weird to not say "mom and dad" there) and help her hunker down for the winter months ahead. We have been taking her car in for maintenance, raking leaves, pruning trees, getting firewood ready, cleaning house, changing furnace filters, fixing little things around the house, etc. She still has lots of things that were in both her and my dad's names so we're helping her get everything into her name, and we're supporting her as she starts the gradual process of getting rid of my dad's stuff. Today we went through his closet.

Yeah, so. That's what's happening.

It's been a while since I've been back to Michigan at just this time of year, and it makes me remember why fall is so awesome. Fall in Seattle is a much less vibrant affair- things never really stop being green there for the most part which can be nice in its own way, but this is pretty rad.

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